Preparing for Shambhala Day

End of Year Practices to prepare for Shambhala Day
February 20 – March 2, 2022

During the last 11 days of the Tibetan calendar year, we do end-of-year practices in order to lay the ground for a positive transition into the New Year. The first 10 of these days are a time for intensive practice, focused on protector chants as a way to help overcome obstacles in our life, community and world. The end of the year is traditionally considered a positive time to do these practices. Other end of year activities could also include cleaning the household, resolving debts or disputes, and gathering energy for the new year. The last day before Shambhala Day is a “neutral day” (March 2, 2021) on which we could do the final preparations for the New Year, having finished the 10 day practice.

Join Burlington Shambhala Center Intensive protector practice online

February 20 – March 1, 6 – 7pm at

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 885 6718 9283        Passcode: 671520

To join the International Shambhala Community for live daily talks on-line by different Shambhala teachers, register at

($20 for 10 talks.  Recordings will be made available)

For questions please call Myra Woodruff at (802) 735-5069

Click link for Burlington Shambhala Day Celebration Information